Home Reset & ADHD Coaching
“Get the basic things right and everything around will go right by itself.”
(Bill Mollison)
If you find yourself stuck with an overwhelming list of things to do, objects to manage, and no mojo to do them, I can get you started with a way forward.
Create a clear, user-friendly home and life, with a nature-based approach especially suited to lateral thinkers and creatives, with better things to do than tidy up.
In one big day together we can do hands-on rearranging and start making this dream your daily reality.
We use the 'Internal Family Systems' and the work of Gabor Mate to bring 'compassionate enquiry' to your inner life, and this changes everything.
To get a preview of the process, join in one of Cecilia's webinars, get started with a Skype session, or book Cecilia for a half-day program.
Before * After * After That